a conversation with Ban Ki-Moon YmuN 50 Exclusive
Join us as Megan Niu, Secretary-General of YMUN 50, sits down for a conversation with Ban Ki-moon, 8th Secretary-General of the United Nations. In this exclusive interview, his excellency delves into his experience leading the United Nations and his advice for the upcoming generations.
thank you for coming to ymun 50!
Take a moment with us and reflect on our grandest and most historic conference yet! Get some insight into how Yale Model United Nations 50 was planned, and how we curated an experience for delegates unique to YMUN.
welcome to ymun 50 - opening ceremony video
Our secretariat worked extremely hard to bring life into this iteration of YMUN. Take a moment to take a step back and have fun with our opening ceremony video, starring Peilin Lu, USG of EcoSocs, Ava Chae, USG of External Affairs, and anthony Busatta, ASG of delegations. Directed by Kyle Guo and Thomasin Schmults, USGs of branding.